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Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice.

Tips for Managing Swimmer’s Eye, Dry Eyes & Allergies This Summer

Summer brings unique challenges for eye health, including issues like swimmer’s eye, dry eyes, and allergies. This blog provides essential tips for recognizing symptoms, effective treatments, and preventive measures to protect your eyes during the warmer months.

Why Women Are More Predisposed to Dry Eye Syndrome

This blog explores the reasons why women are more predisposed to dry eye syndrome than men, delving into hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause as possible causes linked to the phenomenon.

Empowering Women’s Vision Care: A Focus on Save Your Vision Month

Discover the significance of regular eye exams and tips for navigating allergy season and other risk factors uniquely affecting women.

What Do Your Eyes Reveal About You?

An individual's eyes can reveal a lot about them, including their mood, feelings, and even emotions. By simply looking at them, eyes can convey a warm, bright, and inviting vibe as well as a cold and repellent one – they are the window to a person’s soul. The Iris: What...

Cosmetic Procedures & Blurry Vision

Cosmetic procedures have been prominent for both women and men for years. While the popularity of certain procedures tends to decrease and incline in waves, temporary facial “improvements” like Botox injections have become and remain one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. The popularity is thanks to its noninvasiveness, and...

When the Whites of Your Eyes Just… Aren’t Quite White

White eyes have just about the same cosmetic priority as white teeth or unblemished skin. In fact, several surveys reveal that about 30% of people initially notice eyes when they first meet someone. While you can be a generally healthy human with stained teeth and imperfect skin, your eyes can...

What is Myopia & Can it be Cured?

Can myopia be cured? We’ll answer that question, learn what myopia is, how it can be managed, and even how the progression of childhood myopia can be slowed down.

Why Vision Gets Worse With Age

Is it true that our vision will inevitably worsen with age? We break down if this is true and what eye diseases and conditions one can expect in your senior years.

How to Safely Apply Eye Drops

Follow a set of best practices so that your eye drops can work efficiently. Doing so can grant symptom relief as you complete the course of treatment.

Everything You Need to Know about LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK can help myopic, hyperopic, and astigmatic patients, some eye conditions can’t be fixed by the procedure, which needs good preparation and aftercare.

Everything You Need to Know About Corneal Arcus

If eyes are the window to the soul, can they also be a window into your health? Find out what corneal arcus could mean for your health today.

Digital Eye Strain: Causes and Solutions

If you have irritated eyes when using the computer, what causes this? Learn more about digital eye strain, including its causes & some potential solutions.

Cataracts 101: Cause, Symptoms and Suggested Management

You may have heard of cataracts before, but what are they? Learn about cataracts, including the causes, symptoms, & treatments available for this condition.

Why Do Your Eyes Twitch?

Why Do Your Eyes Twitch? Only about .03% of every 100,000 individuals are affected by serious dual eye twitches or facial spasms, but the condition can make one's day to day life extremely uncomfortable and difficult. The type of twitches you encounter can range from mild movements to intense muscle contractions...

Vision Changes Due to Close Work

There are many contributing factors around how our eyes develop, change and adapt over time. In this article, we will discuss how myopia (nearsightedness) develops, how it evolves over time, how extended periods of close work (focusing on near objects) can intensify myopia into adulthood, and what can be done...

Reasons Children Need Sunglasses

Are you wondering why your children need sunglasses? Learn why sunglasses are so important for children so that you can keep your kid’s eyes safe.

Caring For Your Ortho-K Lenses: 5 Handy Tips to Consider

What is Ortho-k? Orthokeratology, also known as Ortho-K,  is a non-surgical, temporary way to improve your vision. Using specially shaped, gas permeable contact lenses, the curvature of your cornea is gently reshaped while you sleep. Ortho-K lenses are worn overnight and taken out the next morning, resulting in clear vision the...

How Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) Works

Wondering how orthokeratology works? Learn all you need to know about ortho-k here, including details on the process and how long it takes.

Diabetic Eye Exams: Why They’re Important

Why are diabetic eye exams so important? Learn more about how diabetes affects your eyes & why an annual exam can help you protect them.

Are an Optometrist & an Eye Doctor the Same?

Wondering about eye doctors? Learn more about eye doctors, including the differences between optometrists, ophthalmologists, & opticians.

All You Need to Know About Nystagmus

Nystagmus can cause unusual movements of the eyes. Find out everything you need to know to protect your vision!

A Comprehensive Eye Exam: What is the Doctor Checking For?

You may be familiar with eye exams, but what do all those tests actually check for? Know the important info that doctors discover during an examination.

8 Foods to Incorporate into Your Diet for Healthy Eyes

Can eating certain foods improve your eye health? Learn more about how food can affect your eyesight & what eye-healthy foods you should incorporate into your diet.

7 Common Contact Lens Problems and Their Solutions

Contact lenses should be expert- fitted and matched to the profile of your eye surface, and you should follow excellent hygiene and resting practices as well

Lens Coatings

The lens coatings on your glasses can have a big impact on your vision & the durability of your glasses. Learn what to look for when choosing lens coatings.

10 Signs You Need Emergency Eye Care

Shady Grove Eye Clinic has same-day emergency appointments available. Protect your vision by learning about eye emergencies like scratches, infections, disease symptoms, & more.

What is Neurolens & How Does it Work?

Wondering about Neurolens? Learn more about Neurolens & how it works, including the nMD & contoured prism technology.

Bifocal, Trifocal & Multifocal Lenses: What’s The Difference?

What is the difference between bifocal, trifocal and multifocal glasses? Learn what each of these lenses is and which might be the best solution for you.

Fall Allergies: Cause, Effect, and Solution

Fall is a great time of year, but the accompanying allergens: not so much. Let’s talk causes, effects, & solutions of allergies, & how they can affect your eyes

A Close Up of Presbyopia

There are several ways to combat presbyopia, and the good news is, your optometrist can help!

Childhood Myopia Is in Crisis Mode on a Global Scale

More and more children are being diagnosed with myopia, a common refractive error associated with developing serious eye diseases later in life, such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. Find out what myopia is and how to prevent it from progressing

Sunglasses: Protect Your Peepers

June brings with it, not only the first day of summer, but also National Sunglasses Day.

Why Are Dilated Eye Exams So Important?

Dilated eye exams make it possible for eye doctors to better assess your eye health and are the only way to detect certain eye diseases.

May is Healthy Vision Month

What does that mean for you? It means that now is the time to schedule a comprehensive eye exam. Find out why.

Multifocal Contact Lenses For People Over 40

Multifocal contact lenses can help people with presbyopia (age-related farsightedness) see clearly, whether focusing on close or distant objects.

Why Does Bono Always Wear His Signature Shades?

Ever wonder why rock superstar Bono wears sunglasses, even when indoors? It's not due to his "look", but rather is related to managing his glaucoma.

What You Should Know About Eye Herpes

Eye herpes can cause several uncomfortable symptoms and recurring flare-ups. In extreme cases, it can lead to blindness. Discover how your eye doctor can help.

Are You Susceptible To Vision Loss?

Many factors contribute to vision loss, some of which may even be relevant to you. Read on to learn what puts a person at risk of developing sight-threatening eye diseases, and discover what an eye doctor can do to help.

How Sleep Apnea Affects The Eyes

Sleep apnea is associated with high blood pressure and heart failure; it also causes eye-related issues. Find out how your eye condition may be linked to sleep apnea.

3 Benefits of Anti-Glare Coating

Glare is that annoying bright light that causes you to squint. It also can cause eye strain when using your computer. Luckily, anti-glare coated glasses offer many benefits, such as reduced glare, allowing you to see and feel better.