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Tips for Managing Swimmer’s Eye, Dry Eyes & Allergies This Summer

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Summer is a season for experiencing fun in the sun. Unfortunately, despite all the activities you can participate in, it can also bring its share of eye problems, such as swimmer’s eye, dry eyes, and even seasonal allergies.

To help you be aware of these common conditions, Shady Grove Eye and Vision Care has written this blog post with expert tips on recognizing, preventing, and treating these typical summer eye issues effectively in Rockville.

How to Identify and Treat Swimmer's Eye

Swimmer’s eye, also known as chemical conjunctivitis, is an eye irritation caused by chlorine in pools. Common symptoms include redness, itchiness, a gritty feeling in the eyes, sensitivity to light, and slight pain.

Immediately rinse your eyes with clean water after swimming to treat this eye condition caused by residual chlorine. Lubricating eye drops can also help relieve symptoms. If irritation persists, consider wearing swim goggles to protect your eyes the next time you hit the pool.

Tips to Alleviate Dry Eye Syndrome in the Summer Heat

Dry eye syndrome is a prevalent eye condition that affects millions worldwide, particularly during the summer months when exposure to air conditioning, wind, and sun can worsen symptoms. Symptoms of dry eye syndrome include a stinging or burning sensation in the eyes, mucus in or around the eyes, periods of excessive tearing followed by very dry eye periods, and blurry vision.

To prevent and treat dry eye symptoms, stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and moistening the eyes with artificial tears or lubricant eye drops. Avoid direct blasts of air from fans, air conditioners, and car vents. An eye doctor at Shady Grove Eye and Vision Care can also offer tailored dry eye treatments for long-lasting relief.

Summer Allergies: How to Spot and Soothe Seasonal Eye Discomfort

Eye allergies can flare up in the summer when pollen counts are high. Other environmental factors, such as dust, mold, and air pollution, can also trigger them. Allergy symptoms that typically affect individuals include itching, redness, and watery eyes.

Over-the-counter antihistamine eye drops can provide relief from eye allergies, as can wearing wraparound sunglasses outdoors to keep pollen away from the eyes. An eye care professional can provide personalized advice and stronger medications or treatments for severe or persistent symptoms.

Protect Yourself From Chlorinated Water, Dry Eyes, and Allergens this Summer

In general, we recommend that you wear protective eyewear such as sunglasses with 100% UV protection and swim goggles to shield your eyes from the harshness of the sun and chlorinated water.

Good hygiene, including keeping hands away from the eyes and washing hands regularly and thoroughly, is also essential for preventing irritation and infections. Additionally, humidifiers and cleaning air filters can alleviate dry eyes and reduce allergens.

Request An Eye Exam in Rockville

By recognizing the signs of common summer eye problems and knowing how to address them, you can protect your eye health and enjoy the season to its fullest. It’s also important to seek professional eye care from Shady Grove Eye and Vision Care in Rockville to ensure proper treatment.